
Books on effects of social media
Books on effects of social media

books on effects of social media

The study investigate the effects of social media on small business in Ogun State. It is therefore become important for business owners and marketers to understand how social media work as a communication and marketing tool and how they can significantly grow their businesses. It has also helped businesses to increase their worthiness, cultivate strategic partnerships and increase their contact with customers and suppliers. Businesses are able to gain access to resources that were otherwise not available to them. This paper will provide overview of the use of mobile technology and mobile learning among students discuss the benefits of mobile learning and challenges when implementing mobile learning as well as to tackle these challenged in education sector.Social media is a new phenomenon that has changed how the business environment operates. The requirements of institutional changes that can be facilitate and encourage students and teachers to integrate mobile technology into day to day learning.

books on effects of social media

The students and teachers need technical, logistical and pedagogical or methodological support for using and integrating mobile devices and apps, but most important is individual experience in both formal and informal learning environment.

books on effects of social media

However mobile learning's potential has yet to be fully realized. The ownership of the mobile devices is very high and it continues to increase among students of all ages.

books on effects of social media

Basically the question is why this sudden interest is emerged in India. In current period there has been considerable interest in the use of mobile technology in education sector in India, although the technology is still evolving in the field of education. It also discusses the pros and cons of social media participation. This paper focuses on how social media can be used wisely to empower women in a conservative culture like India. These social networking sites not only pave a way for communicating across the globe but they have played a major role in empowering women, encouraging the civic participation among women in Western, Middle East and Asian countries. India ranks second in Facebook and third in Twitter usage. Fully 40% of cell phone owners use a social networking site on their phone, and 28% do so on a typical day. According to the research report of PEW research centre's internet project survey 2014, the growth of cell phones, especially smart phones, has made social networking just a finger tap away. The use of social networking sites like Facebook Twitter, LinkedIn has become one of popular ways of socializing. India is experiencing a rapid growth in the ICT sector since 1990's and expanded since 2000. Social media is one of the powerful emerging tools across the globe.

Books on effects of social media