
How to make google chrome default browser samsung galaxy s3
How to make google chrome default browser samsung galaxy s3

Use external if you set the connectivity outside of Browsertime. For mobile you can use Humble if you have a Humble setup. Throttle works on Mac and tc based Linux. , -connectivity.engine The engine for connectivity.

how to make google chrome default browser samsung galaxy s3

, -latency, This option requires -connectivity be set to "custom". , -upstreamKbps, This option requires -connectivity be set to "custom". , -downstreamKbps, This option requires -connectivity be set to "custom". Give your connectivity profile a custom name To actually set the connectivity you can choose between Docker networks or Throttle, read browsertime.gnirehtet, -gnirehtet Start gnirehtet and reverse tethering the traffic from your Android phone. browsertime.limitedRunData Send only limited metrics from one run to the datasource. Debug mode works for Firefox/Chrome/Edge on desktop. Use commands.breakpoint(name) to set breakpoints in your script. bug, -debug Run Browsertime in debug mode. browsertime.spa, -spa Convenient parameter to use if you test a SPA application: will automatically wait for X seconds after last network activity and use hash in file names.

how to make google chrome default browser samsung galaxy s3

n, erations How many times you want to test each page Use -chrome.chromedriverPath to use another ChromeDriver version. Chrome needs to be the same version as the current installed ChromeDriver (check the changelog for what version that is currently used).

how to make google chrome default browser samsung galaxy s3

Safari only works on Mac OS X and iOS 13 (or later). b, -browsertime.browser, -browser Choose which Browser to use when you test. You have the following options when running sitespeed.io within docker (run docker run sitespeedio/sitespeed.io:26.0.1 -help to get the list on your command line): sitespeed.js / Sitespeed.io is highly configurable, let’s check it out! The options # Output folder or where to store the result.Documentation / Configuration Configuration

How to make google chrome default browser samsung galaxy s3